Intro to RRR

Introduction to Reproducible Research with R (and RStudio).


January 10, 2024

1 Reproducible Research

1.1 What it is …

Facilitate easy and accurate reproducibility of all steps of research: Results, process and comprehension – from raw data to finished output”

1.2 Why

  • To help yourself not get lost (or find your way again)
  • Documentation (formal/legal)
  • Reproducibility (from A-Z)
  • Reuseability (different outputs)
  • Recycling (reassemble for other purposes)

1.3 Levels of research reproducibility

Aim for level four ‘Product documentation’ (**) – Level 5 ‘Process documentation’ can be quite involved and is probably only relevant when many authors collaborate on the same code/data (if it is important to know who did what when, i.e. who screwed up).