White space


January 10, 2024

1 Using white space

In MarkDown,

  • in the middle of text: multiple spaces = a single space
  • at the end of text: space + new-line = new-line + empty-line

Look at this MarkDown, before clicking the next tab…

In markdown, there's an important difference
between '_new-line_' and '_empty-line_'.

...white space is important.

Look at the output from the MarkDown, before clicking the last tabs…

In markdown, there’s an important difference between ‘new-line’ and ‘empty-line’.

…white space is important.

  • any number of spaces between words is equal to one space
  • any number of empty lines between paragraphs is equal to one empty line
  • use one space to separate functions, operators, etc a%>%b vs a %>% b
  • use empty line to indicate new paragraph

Go back and forth between the first two tabs, and look closely at the white space…

Hint Check out Soft wrap long lines in the Code menu.