data import


Steen Flammild Harsted


January 10, 2024

1 Data import

Download the file from ItsLearning and unzip it in your raw_data directory

The unzipped folder contains:

  • A .csv file called “Kronisk smerte - udvikling.csv”. It has been exported by a Danish version of Excel. Is this a good name for a file?
  • A set of files related to a motioncapture project
  • A Stata file (.dta) containing the sex of the participants
  • A .csv file containing the age (in months) of the partipants.
  • 19 simplified motioncapture files of children performing vertical jumps
    • Frame and Time_Seconds are time variables
    • CGY gives you the height (in mm) of their center of gravity
  • A folder called challenge that you need if you want to solve the challenge assignment

Import “kronisk smerte - udvikling.csv”

  • read.csv()
  • read.csv2()
  • read_csv2()
  • What is the difference in the output? Why?
path <- here("raw_data", "data_day_3"  ,"Kronisk smerte - udvikling.csv")

Import the files id_age.csv and id_sex.dta, combine them (use full_join()), and assign the combined dataframe to an object

  • The tidyverse includes the haven package that can read Stata´s .dta files
  • The function to use for the .dta file is haven::read_dta()
  • Investigate the two files before you combine them. Do you need to change anything?
  • The dplyr function full_join() will help you to combine the two imported objects.
a <- haven::read_dta(here("raw_data", "data_day_3", "id_sex.dta"))

b <- read_csv2(here("raw_data", "data_day_3","id_age.csv")) %>%
     rename(ID = id)  # Rename the id column

df_descriptives <- full_join(a, b)
rm(a,b) # Remove the objects a and b so that your environment is less crowded

Use list.files() to generate an object called files containing the filenames of the 19 motioncapture files

Hints for the pattern =argument in list.files()
, pattern = NULL          # The default setting. List all files in our directory
, pattern = ".csv$"       # all files in our directory that ends with ".csv"
, pattern = "^desc"       # all files in our directory that starts with "desc"
, pattern = "[0-9].csv$"  # all files in our directory that ends with "[a number from 0-9].csv"
files <- list.files(here("raw_data", "data_day_3"), pattern = "[0-9].csv$")

Import the 19 motioncapture files

  • Use `read_csv()``
  • The file = should include the path to the folder (use here()), and the files object you just created.
df_mocap <- read_csv(here("raw_data", "data_day_3", files))
  • Combine the motion capture files with the descriptives object you created before
df_all <- full_join(df_descriptives, df_mocap)

Update the object you just created

  • Change ID to a factor
  • Change sex to a factor with levels = c(1,2), labels = c("Boy", "Girl")
  • Change age from months to years
  • Retain the row with the highest value of CGY for each of the children
df_all <- df_all %>% 
    ID = factor(ID),
    sex = factor(sex, levels = c(1,2), labels = c("Boy", "Girl")),
    age = age/12) %>% 
  group_by(ID) %>% 
  filter(CGY == max(CGY, na.rm = TRUE))

Save the object you just created

  • Save the object you created before as an “.RData” file, save it in your “clean_data” folder
  • Save the object you created before as an “.csv” file, save it in your “clean_data” folder
  • What are the pros and cons of the two file types?
save(df_all, file = here("clean_data", "my_data.RData"))
write_csv(df_all, file = here("clean_data", "my_data.csv"))


Inspect the 19 motioncapture files in the folder called challenge

  • What important piece of information is missing from the data in the files?
  • Where can you find this data?
    Answer The ID can only be found in the filename. You need to find a way to piece the ID together with the data in files

Install the package vroom and load it

  • vroom is a very fast package for importing .csv files. (hence the name)
  • The main function in the vroom package is vroom()
  • vroom() has the argument delim = that allows you specify the delimter you want
  • Read the documentation for vroom()
    • What does the id argument in the vroom() function do?

Use vroom() to import all the mocap files in the challenge folder

  • Use the id = argument in the vroom() function.
files_chal <- list.files(here("raw_data", "data_day_3", "challenge"), pattern = "[0-9].csv$")
df_mocap_chal <- vroom::vroom(here("raw_data", "data_day_3", "challenge", files_chal),
                              id = "filename")

We need to extract the ID from the filename column now

  • Create a column called ID that only contains the ID part from the filename
  • You need to use regular expressions to solve this
  • Two functions that may help you are str_extract() and str_remove()
  • Both functions have a pattern = argument that must be a regular expression
  • Use them inside a mutate() call
df_mocap_chal <- df_mocap_chal %>%
  mutate(ID = str_extract(filename, pattern = "[0-9]+_3.1"),  # Capture digits that come before _3.1
         ID = str_remove(ID, pattern = "_.+$"),               # Remove the _3.1 part
         ID = as.numeric(ID))                                 # Change ID from a string to a numeric variable. You can also change it to a factor